moms can be soooo embarrassing. Yours just posted on your Facebook
wall, asking you to set the table for dinner tonight and you immediately
all your super cool friends could see and make fun of you in homeroom
the next morning.
Then there’s Shakira, on a vigorous campaign to outdo your own mom, says she’ll breastfeed her newborn boy until he’s a grown a$$ man in college, except her son can’t cringe, bat her face away and make a sarcastic remark yet, because he’s a baby.
“Breastfeeding has been one of the best experiences of my life,” she told Us Weekly. “I love it! I can’t stop! I think I’m going to breastfeed him until he goes to college! I’m hooked!”

Then she started to foam at the mouth, her eyes rolled back and Us Weekly wheeled her into the nearest B.F.A. (Breast Feeding Anonymous) support group.
It’s going to be hella awkward when her son, Milan introduces himself and his mom’s breast to his college roommate in 17 years, but until then it’s a win-win situation. He gets the sustenance of mother’s milk; Shakira is convinced it’s helped her drop the baby weight faster.
“I think that it helps a lot,” she said. “I haven’t weighed myself…I think I’m close but I can’t sing victory yet!”

Then there’s Shakira, on a vigorous campaign to outdo your own mom, says she’ll breastfeed her newborn boy until he’s a grown a$$ man in college, except her son can’t cringe, bat her face away and make a sarcastic remark yet, because he’s a baby.
“Breastfeeding has been one of the best experiences of my life,” she told Us Weekly. “I love it! I can’t stop! I think I’m going to breastfeed him until he goes to college! I’m hooked!”

Then she started to foam at the mouth, her eyes rolled back and Us Weekly wheeled her into the nearest B.F.A. (Breast Feeding Anonymous) support group.
It’s going to be hella awkward when her son, Milan introduces himself and his mom’s breast to his college roommate in 17 years, but until then it’s a win-win situation. He gets the sustenance of mother’s milk; Shakira is convinced it’s helped her drop the baby weight faster.
“I think that it helps a lot,” she said. “I haven’t weighed myself…I think I’m close but I can’t sing victory yet!”
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