Miley Cyrus Attacks Taylor Swift Fans

Miley Cyrus doesn’t hold back these days.
Whether it’s twerking for the cameras or making herself the chairperson of the National Assembly of Top-Butt, she puts it all out there. But not just whatever’s on her butt…her mind too.
Let’s pull up her Twitter page to illustrate this point when she calls out the fans of a couple other teen singing sensations.
She’s looking at you, Selenators and Swifties…

Apparently, you’ve all been sending death wishes her way and she’s had enough of it because nobody @-s Miley in a corner.
She writes:
“Everyday someone with a Swift or Gomez in [their] name wishes terrible things upon me (death is popular),” followed up by, “Please Smilers don’t ever think somehow you are supporting me by being hateful towards other [artists]. My fans make me proud by supporting my music & everything I do.”
But, she wasn’t done there…
"I’m sure these haters would make their idols much happier tweeting bout their music rather than wishing death upon their peers like psychos.”
…ending the rant on a note that was all Smileys.
“We are all friends. Why can’t you all be?”
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