You know you’ve hit a very special kind of rock bottom when Courtney Love,
the notorious '90s rocker and human pile of laundry that just keeps
stacking up in the corner of your bedroom, is telling you to get your
sh*t together. Take a hard look in the mirror and then wipe that
eyeliner from two weekends ago off your tired face.
Like most of us subscribed to The Amanda Bynes Network, a 24-hour news cycle of bad wigs and endless Twitter feuds, Courtney can’t pull her eyes from the screen. She’s glued to the endless programming and shaking her head with every unpredictable episode.
Now she’s tweeting.
“@AmandaBynes pull it together dude,” Courtney wrote on her Twitter page. (Clearly, Courtney's daughter Frances Bean Cobain takes after her mother.)

A simple call of action sent directly Amanda’s way. It just sat there for a minor dry spell, wading in the “@ Connect/Interactions” page of her account, and just now the beast has been unleashed.
“Courtney Love is the ugliest woman I’ve ever seen,” Amanda tweeted. “To be mentioned by her at all makes me and all my friends laugh!”
If you’ve been following her prior Twitter feuds, this type of callous response is expected of Amanda—to attack the other person’s looks when provoked, which sounds like the projection of her own insecurities—so perhaps take Courtney’s advice and start there?

Like most of us subscribed to The Amanda Bynes Network, a 24-hour news cycle of bad wigs and endless Twitter feuds, Courtney can’t pull her eyes from the screen. She’s glued to the endless programming and shaking her head with every unpredictable episode.
Now she’s tweeting.
“@AmandaBynes pull it together dude,” Courtney wrote on her Twitter page. (Clearly, Courtney's daughter Frances Bean Cobain takes after her mother.)

A simple call of action sent directly Amanda’s way. It just sat there for a minor dry spell, wading in the “@ Connect/Interactions” page of her account, and just now the beast has been unleashed.
“Courtney Love is the ugliest woman I’ve ever seen,” Amanda tweeted. “To be mentioned by her at all makes me and all my friends laugh!”
If you’ve been following her prior Twitter feuds, this type of callous response is expected of Amanda—to attack the other person’s looks when provoked, which sounds like the projection of her own insecurities—so perhaps take Courtney’s advice and start there?
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