Lady Gaga is all about being “born this way” and supporting anti-bullying campaigns, but she sure tends to get into a lot of fights herself. Whether she’s ripping people off or just casually talking sh*t, Lady Gaga gets in a lot of feuds.
Anyone with ears can hear that “Born This Way” is essentially just a
rip off of Madonna’s “Express Yourself” and Gaga’s newest hit “Applause”
sounds an awful lot like Madonna’s “Girl Gone Wild,” and remember when
Madonna called Lady Gaga’s music “reductive” which is an elitist way of
saying, “Gaga copied me.”
Azealia Banks:
Gaga and Azealia recorded a song together, but for some reason Azealia
decided to trash her when she found out that Gaga was wearing a mermaid
costume as part of her act because Azealia apparently thinks she
invented the mermaid costume. Then, Gaga went on "Good Morning America"
and told fans that Azealia has a “bad attitude!”
Bette Midler:
Speaking of mermaids…Bette Midler wore a mermaid costume in a
wheelchair for the first time YEARS AGO and then Gaga wore a mermaid in a
wheelchair costume during her Monster Ball tour. Bette tweeted, “I’ve
been doing singing mermaid in a wheelchair since 1980 – You can keep the
meat dress and the firecracker t—s. Mermaid’s mine.”
Christina Aguilera: Remember when Christina Aguilera put out her Bionic
album and everyone was like “OMG, she’s trying to be just like Gaga”
because of her new hair and weird new Gaga-esque sound? Then last year,
when X-Tina stopped trying to be like Gaga and went back to singing
ballads, Gaga tweeted at her, “just bought your new single. Seems the old
Christina i loved has returned! Congratulations!!” which is a major
shade-way of saying, “stop stealing my vibe.” Anyways, Gaga claims there
never was a feud and that fans started the rivalry, WHATEVER GAGA SHUT
Kelly Osbourne:
Kelly Osbourne made some off-hand comment on her TV show, “Screeching
About Fashion with Joan Rivers” or whatever it’s called and of course,
Gaga’s insane fans came after Kelly with pitchforks. Kelly then slammed
Gaga as a hypocrite for being a so-called anti-bullying commissioner,
yet doing nothing to stop the death threats her own fans were sending to
Kelly. Then Kelly’s mom got involved and it turned into a big deal.
Perez Hilton:
Lady Gaga continued to prove she is a hypocrite when she started
bullying and attacking Perez Hilton for supposedly stalking her, even
though he was just looking into an apartment in the same complex that
she lives in. Basically, Gaga told her fans to stop bullying people;
meanwhile, Gaga thinks she can bully Perez all she wants.
Lana Del Rey:
We had no idea that Gaga and Lana Del Rey hated each other until an old
Lana track called “So Legit” leaked. The song is from back in the day
when Lana and Gaga were both struggling NY artists. Lana trashes Gaga in
the song, calling her “looking like a man, sounding like a baby” and
also “the freak king of the piercing shop.”
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