Now that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are probably/most likely/honestly-we-don’t-even-know-anymore “broken up,” Amanda Bynes has just made it known to the Twitter-verse that she wants to be his #1 choice when he’s ready for rebound hookups.
we’re mincing words here, but Amanda has just settled on a new hottie
because apparently Drake wasn’t responding to her Twitter stalking affection.
Here’s what Amanda said about Liam.
Okay, let’s unpack this.
First of all, who is Liam “Helmsworth?” Amanda, learn how to spell the name of your admired FIRST.
Secondly, Liam is technically not the “most gorgeous man” ever. This Tanz Watson character is. Technically speaking, the tweet should read, “Tanz Watson is the most gorgeous man, followed by Liam Hemsworth.”
Okay, also, who is Tanz? He’s an actor whose ONLY film credit is LOL, that movie with Miley Cyrus and Demi Moore.
couple months ago, Amanda tweeted at him, “@TanzWatson is the hottest
person alive.” He’s also one of the few people she follows on Twitter.
But back to Liam.
Amanda probably doesn’t stand a chance with Liam, but only because Miley is STILL wearing her engagement ring. Yeah, she stepped out earlier today still rocking that bling.
Here’s what Amanda said about Liam.
Okay, let’s unpack this.
First of all, who is Liam “Helmsworth?” Amanda, learn how to spell the name of your admired FIRST.
Secondly, Liam is technically not the “most gorgeous man” ever. This Tanz Watson character is. Technically speaking, the tweet should read, “Tanz Watson is the most gorgeous man, followed by Liam Hemsworth.”
Okay, also, who is Tanz? He’s an actor whose ONLY film credit is LOL, that movie with Miley Cyrus and Demi Moore.
But back to Liam.
Amanda probably doesn’t stand a chance with Liam, but only because Miley is STILL wearing her engagement ring. Yeah, she stepped out earlier today still rocking that bling.
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