now, we’ve all had time to mourn the death of Robsten and now the dirty
details of their breakup are starting to surface. Twihards are well
aware that Robert Pattinson’s family never warmed back up to Kristen
Stewart after she cheated on Rob and after a year of constant KStew-hate
from his family, Rob got fed up and basically decided the only way to
escape the family turmoil was to break up with Kristen!
the cheating scandal, “[Rob’s mom] Clare didn’t want to lay eyes on
Kristen again, but of course she and Rob reunited and that was difficult
for her.”
The Pattinson family grudge against KStew was
like a ticking bomb. Apparently they were not going to accept Kristen
ever again, so Rob always kind of felt like he was choosing between his
girlfriend and his family. It was just TOO MUCH DRAMA.
is very close to his family and holds their opinion[s] in high esteem,
so when it came down to it, he [stuck] with his blood rather than his
heart,” the source told
Look magazine.
honestly though…Rob and KStew never bounced back to the way they were
before the cheating scandal. So it was really just a combination of
things, but for Rob, having his mom’s blessing was a big deal to him.
mama’s boy. That’s cute. We’re also super inclined to believe this
story, because tons (TONS!) of reports have surfaced in the last year
that claim Kristen is unwelcome at Rob’s parental home in the UK and
that his sisters can’t stand her yada yada.
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