Earlier today it was reported that Lindsay Lohan has a stipulation to her rehab stint: She’ll only go if she can bring her Adderall.
Adderall is used to treat ADHD and Lindsay believes she needs it to live, but according to Dr. Howard C Samuels, founder of the Hills Treatment Center in LA, who has not treated Lindsay, she has NO CHANCE bringing her Adderall prescription with her, as it’s “a form of speed.”
"In order to be diagnosed ADD, you need to go through an assessment process once you enter the rehab,” Dr. Howard C Samuels tells Hollyscoop, “Adderall is a form of speed and no rehab would allow you to take a form of speed while in treatment.”

It seems kind of counter intuitive to bring a drug into rehab when you’re trying to get clean, especially since Lindsay has been rumored to have abused that drug in the past.
Dr. Howard C Samuels thinks that if Lindsay makes these kind of demands, she’s never going to turn her life around.
“Lindsay Lohan is trying to work her own program and that is why she is in the trouble she is in,” he tells us.
Another rumored “demand” from Lindsay is that she doesn’t want to check into rehab until AFTER the Coachella Music Festival later this month, because she absolutely must go to the music festival apparently.
So between the fact that there are no “lockdown rehab facilities” that seem to exist and Lindsay’s insistence that she must have drugs in rehab, we wouldn’t be surprised to see Lindsay at a courthouse again very soon.
Adderall is used to treat ADHD and Lindsay believes she needs it to live, but according to Dr. Howard C Samuels, founder of the Hills Treatment Center in LA, who has not treated Lindsay, she has NO CHANCE bringing her Adderall prescription with her, as it’s “a form of speed.”
"In order to be diagnosed ADD, you need to go through an assessment process once you enter the rehab,” Dr. Howard C Samuels tells Hollyscoop, “Adderall is a form of speed and no rehab would allow you to take a form of speed while in treatment.”
It seems kind of counter intuitive to bring a drug into rehab when you’re trying to get clean, especially since Lindsay has been rumored to have abused that drug in the past.
Dr. Howard C Samuels thinks that if Lindsay makes these kind of demands, she’s never going to turn her life around.
“Lindsay Lohan is trying to work her own program and that is why she is in the trouble she is in,” he tells us.
Another rumored “demand” from Lindsay is that she doesn’t want to check into rehab until AFTER the Coachella Music Festival later this month, because she absolutely must go to the music festival apparently.
So between the fact that there are no “lockdown rehab facilities” that seem to exist and Lindsay’s insistence that she must have drugs in rehab, we wouldn’t be surprised to see Lindsay at a courthouse again very soon.
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